
Toast notifications with Sveltekit and Tailwind CSS

Solution for Toast notifications

Hunter Becton

Hunter Becton

Toast notifications with Sveltekit and Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS



What did you learn while working on this solution?

I learned how to use the built-in SvelteKit global state management to manage the state of toast notifications across the application. This capability allowed me to efficiently control the display and timing of multiple notifications, ensuring they stack and disappear correctly.

What would you do differently if you had to solve this challenge again, and why?

If I had to solve this challenge again, I would focus on improving the exit animation for the toast notifications. Currently, the exit animations could be smoother and more visually appealing, providing a more polished and engaging user experience.

Did you try any new approaches or technologies in this challenge? What was that experience like?

This project was my first time using the global state management provided by SvelteKit. I found it incredibly easy to use and super simple to implement across the application. It made managing the toast notifications seamless and greatly streamlined the development process.