Monthly price calculator

Help your client reduce the number of calls and emails their team wastes fielding pricing questions with this monthly cost calculator.

Level 3

Monthly price calculator


During a monthly check-in meeting, your client mentioned that reps waste a lot of time fielding calls and emails for cost estimates. After discussing the problem, you pitch the idea of using a cost estimation calculator on their site so potential customers can self-serve and get an idea of the cost without reaching out to someone on their team. They loved the idea, and after getting a design back from your team, your next step is to get it live on their pricing page.

Your Challenge is complete when:

  • The website is as close to the original design as possible

  • The website is responsive and viewable on multiple screen sizes

  • Elements have the correct state styles (hover, focus, etc.)

  • Range sliders have correct min, max, and step values (covered in the design file)

  • User can update values using the slider or number input

  • Updating the values uses formulas to calculate the accurate monthly price (covered in the design file)


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