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Challenge your skills

Put the theory you're learning from tutorials into practice by building real-world projects from start to finish.

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Master your skills with real-world projects

Start one of our Challenges to test your skills with projects you'll be proud to share on your portfolio.

Practice without the headache of design

Practice without the headache of design

Learning how to code is hard enough, so leave the heavy lifting of designing projects up to us.

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Industry-standard assets

Challenges include all the assets you would expect from a designer in real-world projects.

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Figma design file

Practice your skills of turning pixels into actual websites and apps with full access to the final Figma design file.

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Responsive layouts

Use the mobile, tablet, and desktop breakpoints to build responsive webpages for users on any device.

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Design system

Manage your fonts, colors, components, and styles between design and code with a professional design system.

Responsive layouts

Feel stuck? No problem

Learning to code is hard. That's why we've included resources to help along the way.

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Alternative Solutions

Dive into Solutions our authors share to learn different approaches to solving Challenges. Plus, comprehending someone else's code is an important skill to master!

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Recommended resources

Whether you need to refresh on some basics or forgot how to center a div, we'll help point you in the right direction with a comprehensive list of learning resources.

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Discord community

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Yearly subscription with unlimited Challenge downloads per month.


What's included

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All Challenges

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All Solutions

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Discord community

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Member-only Discord permissions

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Unlimited Challenge downloads per month


Monthly subscription with 3 Challenge downloads per month.


What's included

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All Challenges

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All Solutions

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Discord community

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Member-only Discord permissions

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3 Challenge downloads per month